Monday, July 30, 2007

The first cut is the deepest

Actually it wasn't deep enough. I went in today for a consult with a
new dermatologist. Yeah, consult/schmonsult. She dug right in there.
But before she did, she explained everything. (Unlike my original
doctor, who was probably distracted by the deep furrowing line in my
forehead) On the scale of mild, moderate and severe, my mole was
moderate. Precancerous. But everything should be fine, and she said
she took enough out to test, and hopefully enough so she won't have to
go back in. If I could understand the pathology report, which might as
well have been written in Mandarin Chinese, I could tell you more
about the traces of cells. No strenuous activity or heavy lifting for
2 weeks. And once all those shots of litocain wear off, I am probably
going to need a Vicodin.
I'll have my results in 2 weeks. So think happy thoughts, and WEAR

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