Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And you can dance...

Happy New Year! My resolution this year was not to lose weight (I'm already in Weight Watchers, and tonight I lost another pound--6 more to go!). Although I do want to do more weight machines at the gym in addition to the treadmill.

No, I resolved to write on this blog everyday. The blog that I have neglected since September, and was not very good at writing on it to start with. See, unlike my friend Paige, who had an AWESOME blog (and who needs to start another one, because she is fabulous), I am nervous about sharing too much on the Internet, or having my thoughts looked at as stupid or boring. Because, let's face it, not much happens here in South Florida. At least not at #8425. Don't get me wrong. I am loving it here. This was the best career decision I have ever made. And the weather can not be beat! And I have met some of the best people.

And I got to spend New Year's Eve at the most beautiful wedding I have ever been at (with all apologies to those whose beautiful weddings I have attended).

Then I spent the entire weekend addicted to VH-1 Classic. They are actually still playing 2009 for 2009, an alphabetical buffet of MTV when MTV was all we had, and all they had was videos. Madonna! Prince! Wham! Crowded House! Haircut 100! Classics, one-hit wonders. And, being as a lot of it was from the 80s, one-hit wonders that are classics! Oh, it took me back. Back to when all the boys from Duran Duran were still hot (Well, Simon, John and Nick STILL look good. Roger and Andy were always, well.. talented). When my boy, George Michael, was hot AND straight!! (Again, still hot)

Yes, these videos are cheesy. Hell, some of these artists should have just stuck to radio, if you follow me, but they are all so great! The cheesy pop! The cheesy dance! And, of course, the hair bands!!!! Come on, someone with hair this big can't NOT love hair bands. Julie and I talked all weekend about how great a lot of that music still is.

(As a side note, I can actually claim a little connection to a hair band! My mom taught math. One of her students was Fred Coury. Fred Coury was (is?) the drummer for Cinderella. Nobody's Fool, indeed)

Speaking of cheesy hair bands, that brings me to how I wound up my holiday weekend. Tuning in to season three of Bret Michaels, Rock of Love 3 (the whole time, on the phone with Paige so we could be horrified together). He's taking them on tour this year, so they really know what his life is like, hopping from has-been rock festival to Indian casino and back again. I like to call this season Skanks on a Bus. Because they are traveling on a bus and, well.... Yes, this season is definitely the high (or low) water mark when it comes to the type of "lady" willing to do what she has to do to win the love of one Bret Michaels. He does love the Steelers, I gotta respect that. But Bret obviously has a type. And that type is skank whore. Or cheap airport strip bar pole dancer.

I don't know if it is the Botox or the hair plugs or the makeup (that he is still sporting) or his dye-a-bee-tus (that is how he pronounces it) that has so radically affected his eyesight, but Bret looked upon the "ladies" (using this term so loosely) and pronounced them all "smokin' hot." I am sure it's a matter of opinion. I fancy the men myself, but can, I think, judge an attractive woman. So if his idea of "smokin' hot" means gallons of bleach, more silicone than is probably legal, Botox, piercings and (WOW) multiple tats, then yes, these "ladies" are smokin' hot. Although some of them looked like actual transsexuals (not that there is anything wrong with that), this season has a special mix! There is an actual porn star (he recognized her from her films), a Penthouse Pet (who really might be one of the classy girls) and a "lady" who actually aspires to be a whore. That was her introduction. "Hi, I'm Natasha, and I want to be a madam." In Canada. I did not know that our neighbors to the north had more lenient laws, but I gotta figure that if you admit to wanting to start a prostitution ring on national TV, your passport has probably been flagged.

But what do I know? I am just a simple magazine editor, living in South Florida and enjoying all that has to offer.

1 comment:

Paige said...

airports have strip bars? what?