Friday, December 28, 2007

It's that time of year again

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I know I did. I did have one casualty this season. One of my wise men lost his head. I don't really know how this happened. Last night, when I looked down at my nativity set, they were all present and accounted for. The two standing ones, and the one kneeling down. Except one of them was short his head, which somehow had broken off his body and was now laying by the baby Jesus. I guess the stores were out of frankincense and myrrh.

I'll be putting my stuff away this weekend, and working on my annual year-end project—my dead pool list. I had five stiffs this year. Not bad. I think my best was seven. So now I have to come up with five new celebrities that I think might die in 2008. I have one rule, and that is to keep whoever survived from my list on the next year's list. I call it my Boris Yeltsin Rule. So I've been doing some research, and I think I have some good candidates. And before you get all "Oh how terrible," on me, here are some little facts about celebrities.

1. They die, too, just like everyone else does. They just get a bigger picture in the paper and mentions on the news. (And, if they were Anna Nicole Smith, they are apparently supposed to continue to be mentioned on Entertainment Tonight every night until the end of time.)

2. They die in threes. It's freaky, but it's true. I often wonder, when celebrities see that two of their own have died, especially ones that are of a certain age, do they get nervous that they might be number three?

That's it. I need to get my list done this weekend. If you would care to join me, go to and do a list of your own (you know you want to). Come on, there's room in this hand basket for a few more!

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