Monday, January 21, 2008

Getting to know you

Or getting to know your friends, check out this survey, or whatever they are calling the email quizzes, surveys and Q&As. I got three of them today alone.

I did two.

The other one, I'd already done before. A couple times. I know everyone's favorite color, what they like to drink, if they have a crush on someone or if they've ever been toilet papering.

I don't know why we continue to fill out these quizzes that are obviously aimed at younger people. One today asked who I sat next to in math. I haven't taken math since high school, so I have absolutely no idea who sat next to me. I don't even remember who some of the teachers were. It reminds me of those notes that used to get passed, "Do you like me? Yes or No? Circle one and give back."

Call it a guilty pleasure. Or it's a way to pass the time during lunch, or a break from doing work. Although it does take away from my busy lunch pastime of and Some people fill them out immediately and without fail. Some people don't do them at all, yet we keep sending them out on the off-chance that we'll catch them on a slow lunch period (Nancy).

They are silly and more than a little "high school." But it's funny to see how people answer questions in an original way, and it's nice to take a break from responsibilities and work and editing stories to catch up with friends both far and near. Even if it is just to let them know that you like to watch hockey and you first kissed a boy when you were 16.

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