Monday, August 6, 2007

I Won't Let You Down; I Will Not Give You Up

I have to admit it; I've become wrapped up in a new (old) guilty pleasure. I bought George Michael's "Twenty-Five" double CD, and it is currently in heavy rotation in my car's CD player and on my iTunes. I have loved this boy, George, ever since I was a peppy blond (yikes) cheerleader, when he stared intently at me from the poster on my wall. I don't know exactly when I fell for him, but it was probably around the time he asked me to wake him up before I go-go'd. One look into those eyes and WHAM! I was hooked.
I know what you're thinking. But back then I didn't know that. However, in watching the videos on DVD (oh yeah, you know I bought that too), how did I NOT know (Exhibit A: "Last Christmas")?!?! Maybe deep down I knew, but I didn't care. The music was great and, let's face it, he was hot! Hot enough to distract me from Nick. No, Simon. No, John (Ladies, you know who I'm talking about.).
The old songs make me think of my carefree high school days, when I really had no idea what he was singing about, but it sounded good. "Freedom" was fun, and "Careless Whisper" was a high school dance staple. And then he went solo, and it only got better. And hotter, and a little dirty. I remember having to watch the premier of "I Want Your Sex" with my MOM, so we could talk about the "message." (A pitfall of having a high school teacher for a mother. P.S. the message was George Michael was even hotter half-draped in a black satin sheet, or at least that is what I got out of it.) The thought of "Father Figure" still makes me giggle and blush. George Michael as a hot cab driver, all brooding and stubbly, up against a wall…
My friend Jennifer and I, crazy Cosmo readers that we were, knew the names of every single supermodel in the "Freedom '90" video. I can't even keep up with my magazines anymore, let alone the people on the covers.
And then, like high school friends, George and I drifted apart. He'd pop up now and again. If I needed a dance song for a mix, "Too Funky" or "Monkey" could be called upon. In a rush of nostalgia, I bought "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael" when it came out a few years ago. "Outside" and "Fastlove" were the flirty sexy George of old. Seeing him in concert would have made the Acid Washed Summer of Michelle and Paige complete (although Madonna, Prince and the reunited Duran Duran were quite the 80s trifecta).
"Twenty-Five" has the songs I know and love, but it also has great newer material that I hadn't heard before. "Freeek" and "An Easier Affair" are my two new favorites, although I don't think he wants our sex anymore, because it is not included. But that's OK; the rest of the package is fantastic. And in spite of all the news and scandals and ups and downs, I still love this boy, George. I wonder if I still have that poster somewhere…

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