Saturday, August 25, 2007

All that you can't leave behind

I am packing up my life to move to Florida in a week. I am trying to purge and get rid of things I don't need since I only have so much stuff allowed in the moving truck and even less in my car. No sympathy or sentimentality! I thought I was doing good in the living room, until I opened one of the cupboards. Holy shit, how did I get so many versions of Trivial Pursuit? Is the Millennium version better than the 20th anniversary edition? It certainly takes up less space. And then there were my Disney videos. Wow. OK. Purge time. I will keep my favorites. Sleeping Beauty, Jungle Book, Mary Poppins. And the video that has Lambert the Sheepish Lion on it. And that's it. The rest went in a bag to be given away. Then I was packing pictures, and there was one of my mom, and I remembered something. I was in the car with her. I think I was 4 or 5. Sitting in the front seat, of course. No seatbelt. We were going somewhere. She wouldn't tell me where we were going. I kept guessing. Ice Cream? Movies? The zoo? No, she kept saying, smiling. She was fibbing. We went to see Cinderella. I was amazed by it. It was beautiful, and scary too. I loved it. My mom told me it had always been her favorite one.
Smiling, I went in the giveaway bag, pulled out the Cinderella tape and put it in the keep pile. Sometimes, you just have to hold on to the little things.
Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

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