Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Thanksgiving Miracle

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I did. It was great to see my whole family, especially the 'rents and my sister. My aunt Kathy did an awesome job, as always. Not an easy feat with 25 people to cook for. But, the bacon on the turkey was yummy and my Grandma's scalloped oysters were the best! Mmmmm cheesy beans..... Of course, it was all even better the next day for lunch. And then everything was gone. With 25 people, there aren't a lot of leftovers.

There's also not a lot of elbow room. My cousins have a lot of kids. And they're everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I love the hell out of them, but as someone who is not used to having them around all the time, it gets a bit overwhelming. But, I learned how to play Monopoly Junior (you have to buy what you land on, and you can bump someone off!), got the snarls and knots out of Barbie's hair and her wig with a tiny little plastic comb, and I dressed Polly Pocket Princesses with Caroline. I showed her a naked, bald Disney Princess, and she would pick out the dress for me. I requested ones with short sleeves, as it's HARD to get those little arms down those rubber sleeves. Little kids really can do that??? And then Caroline would pick out shoes. Sometimes there was one pink and one white, but hey, our princesses were trendy.

And the Thanksgiving dad didn't comment about my hair. I could always make book on him saying something within 10 minutes of seeing me again. I'd get the squint, as he would stand there, staring. "What?" I would ask. "What did you do to your hair?" he would ask. "Nothing," I would answer slowly, waiting for the comment. It's always too something. Too short, too long, too straight, too curly, too orange, too black (it was actually wet when he said that one, so it was darker than usual). I've never had a straight man take so much interest in my hair. So thanks Dickie, for letting me just be me and for coming to Thanksgiving. I was very thankful that you (and Mom, of course) were there.


Anonymous said...

Scalloped oysters?

Tell me more...

Anonymous said...

Oh, if you haven't tried the scalloped oysters, you're totally missing out. Have Michelle send you the recipe.