Well, that isn't exactly true. It started with peacocks. A picture of a peacock, actually. A picture of the peacock that tried to attack me in Taos. The picture is on my refrigerator, and I was adjusting it while on the phone with my sister. I was having trouble due to all the magnets and what-not on my refrigerator.
"I think I have too much shit on my refrigerator," I said to Jenny.
"I can't even see it, and I know that's true," she replied.
She was right, of course. I treat my refrigerator like a giant cork board, with tons of magnets and pictures and postcards. It's like a scrapbook you can look at everyday, without the worry of buying acid-free paper, special scissors and fancy doo-dads.
Here it is in all its glory:
Here's the top:
And here's the bottom:
It's a lot. I know. There are some who would love it. I have a friend whose refrigerator is so covered, I don't even know what color it is. And there are some that would just gasp in horror. Chris' ex-roommate was one such person. He considered any magnet on the refrigerator to be "low class." Because when I think of the epicenter of class, I think this boy's hometown of Aynor, S.C.
But, like I said, it's a huge scrapbook. There are magnets from all the states I've been to. The Atlanta skyline magnet I bought at the airport the first time I went back home after moving to Florida. The postcard Chris sent me from Paris, and the one Mat (just one "t") sent me from London. The picture of me and Jenny and the one of me and my girls! The magnet to remind me to feel my girls. The banner I stole from O'Shea's on St. Patrick's Day, and the Steelers flag I stole from some bar in Coca Beach (your keys can work as well as a knife in cutting those things free in a hurry...) All my Beatles magnets. And my hotties! Sting! Ryan Reynolds... you just want to rub that belly like he's Buddha. And both the George's. Bob Barker! And the peacock that tried to attack me, with it's tail all spread out.
And then, in this week's Entertainment Weekly was this picture. I knew I had to somehow add it to the mix.
You see, it did all start with Rob Lowe. Way back when, I got a subscription to 16 magazine. Not to be confused with Seventeen, 16 was full of pull-out posters of all the hotties. And all the hotties were in The Outsiders. My closet doors were covered in posters of Rob, Tommy Howell, Emilio Estevez, Matt Dillon and Ralph Macchio. Oh, and Tom Cruise. (This was way before he was so creepy.)
So, to get Rob up, some things have to go. I took every thing off:
Blah! How boring!!! And EWWWW! How dirty!!! OK, so first a good scrub (each magnet got a wipe with my counter wipes, too). Here they all are in a stack.
Oh crap!!! There are more on the side!!
OK, now here they all are. It's not so many. Is it?
I know. Not all of them will go back up...I started placing things with a bit more restraint. Although somethings most definitely stay. I cut back on the states, now only using the three that mean the most, New York, Georgia and Florida. I said good-bye to the St. Patrick's Day banner, and the second picture of Ryan. The Sting and I will go in a frame. And there is no more fun with Dick and Jane (I think I want to white out the "e's" on those and send them to Dick and Jan...). And so, here is the result. Still fun, but not as cluttered.
Maybe next Sunday, I'll tackle the inside.
And, because I like to whistle while I work, here is the "Rob Lowe's still got it" playlist!
Taxman The Beatles
Just a Friend Bizz Markie (this was one of our sorority songs...except we sang "You! You got what I need. Too bad you're just a TKE. Too bad you're just a TKE.")
Sweet Dreams Patsy Cline
Take Me to Heart Quarterflash ("I'm the chill that never left your spine.")
Love is a Battlefield Pat Benatar ("We are young....")
Push Sarah McLaughlin
Unfinished Barenaked Ladies
Ain't No Other Man Christina Aguillera
Let Love be Your Energy Robbie Williams
Summertime Barenaked Ladies
Surrendering Alanis Morissette
Money Can't Buy It Annie Lennox
Every Woman in the World Air Supply (not embarrassed at all!!!)
Home Sweet Home Motley Crue (Although Vince Neil should be with all that botox!)
Joy in Repetition Prince ("Four-letter words are seldom heard with such dignity and bite.")
All my Loving Paul McCartney (Live, from the tour I saw in the ATL with Kara!)
Ruby Tuesday NOT the Rolling Stones (I wish I knew who did this cover. It was on a mix sent by a friend, and he didn't list the songs.)
Way Out Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Girlfriend Matthew Sweet (Also someone I saw in concert in the ATL with Kara!)
Leather & Lace Stevie Nicks and Don Henley
Jerome Barenaked Ladies (Kevin wrote this song. He told me about it when we chatted.)
Cry Little Sister Sisters of Mercy (From The Lost Boys. RIP Corey. OH, he had a Rob Lowe poster too!!!)
The Sun Always Shines on TV A-ha
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