At least that was the case today. I had a mole removed from my back last week, and I was not-so-patiently waiting for the results. Frankly, 7-10 days seems like a long time to have to wait. Especially when you have a vivid imagination that can picture an innocent-looking mole boring a cancerous root into your lung or liver. BUT, today, (Day 6, actually) I got the "all clear" letter, rather than the "You need to come back in" phone call. I got that phone call almost exactly two years ago. I still sport a dark pink scar in the middle of my back. My first badge of skin cancer free honor.
So, I was feeling a little sassy and spicy today, and for once, Martha had just the recipe to whip up! (Spicy, I mean... Martha has, so far, been short on spice and heavy on corn and Dijon mustard) Here it is: Skirt Steak with Spicy Green Salsa.
I don't think I've ever eaten skirt steak. I know I've never bought it. And looking at them at Publix left a lot to be desired (You're shocked, I know.). They were very fatty and, well.... grayish... Yeah, I couldn't do it. So I opted for a leaner looking cut. A thinner London Broil type cut... I threw the wrapper out, so I am not sure. Any-who, much redder and less fatter!
I had one glass left of my Australian Shiraz that I (finally) found at Costco. Julie actually brought my mom a bottle of this last summer. (Julie, it's probably still at the lake! I say we break it open when we're there for the reunion!) Its label is a plane ticket, and the neck has a luggage tag on it!
And... in case of a drink emergency....
I started out making the rub for the meat. Well, you don't rub it in so much as "sprinkle" it on. Either way, Martha steps it up with 5 TABLESPOONS of chili powder and a teaspoon and a half of cumin and dried oregano.
I like the Badia spices. They are cheaper. And those Spice Worlds are usually 10 for $10 at Publix. So $1 each. Bargain!!!! Shake in some salt and pepper, and "sprinkle" it on both sides of the meat, along with some drizzled olive oil. Pretty color!
So while that was "sitting" (Turn it once during the "sitting" time, which is about 10 minutes right there on the counter.), I put together the Spicy Green Salsa. That is 1/2 cup of fresh cilantro, chopped. (As an aside, that means you measure 1/2 cup, and then chop. 1/2 cup of flour, sifted is different than 1/2 cup of sifted flour. See Ms. Mooney, I paid attention sometimes.) A tablespoon of minced pickled jalapenos (wash your hands after chopping!), 3 Tbsps. of olive oil, a tablespoon of water and 1/2 tsp of red wine vinegar (WHY is there a sprinkle thing on this bottle!?!?!), and a dash of salt. Mix it all in a bowl and that's it.
Slap some plastic wrap on it and toss it in the fridge until you're ready for it. Now, again, I live in an apartment with no grills allowed. And my buddy George Forman wasn't going to be able to help me here...Had to rely on my trusty Lodge cast iron skillet. Drizzle in a bit of olive oil over high heat, and put the meat in. (As an aside, turn the fan on over your stove, and, depending on where your smoke alarms are, you also might want to crack a window. Just a thought.)
OK, so that went three minutes on one side and two on the other. It's that quick. Also quick is a yummy side veggie. I chopped up a garlic clove and tossed it into a pan with some olive oil. When it gets fragrant:
I toss in a huge handful of bagged baby spinach, stir it up and wilt it down.
Right before I take it off the heat, I splash in some Japanese soy sauce. It adds just the right flavor (Tamari brand, reduced sodium with the white label). And speaking of fragrant, the cumin and chili powder on that meat smell amazing when it's sizzling away.
Time to slice it up, and it's perfectly pink! I judged it right! Yay me! Topped with the Spicy Green Salsa, the blend of flavors is amazing. The cilantro really comes through, with a slight bite from the jalapenos. And still, the cumin and chili pepper all cooked up add a nice smokey flavor. The spinach was a perfect side. Not fussy, and the soy sauce adds a nice salty sweetness to the mix.
And I'm still feeling a bit sassy, so let's just call this the YIPPIE I don't have skin cancer playlist!
Someone Else Not Me Duran Duran (I refuse to let Steve Jobs and his satellites get me down. POW)
Pope Prince (You don't understand.. I ain't scared of you mother fuckers...You can be the president, I'd rather be the pope. You can be the side effect, I'd rather be the dope...)
This & That Michael Penn (Sean's brother kind of rocks.)
Livin' La Vida Loca Ricky Martin (Who's surprised? Raise your hand....crickets..)
Deep Inside You Third Eye Blind (And I never felt alone until I met you)
Forgiven Alanis Morissette (Ah... being Catholic...)
I Remember Holding You Boys Club (Cheese from the late 80s ages so nicely...)
West End Girls Pet Shop Boys (Call the police there's a mad mad around, run him down, underground, to a dive bar in a West End town)
I Love You Barenaked Ladies (Ah... fish sticks....)
Rock the Cradle of Love Billy Idol (Which Julie mistakenly thought was the first video played on VH-1)
So Hard Dixie Chicks (I'm full of surprises people. You need to keep up.)
With a Little Luck Paul McCartney (and Wings)
Wonderwall Oasis (I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.)
Genie in a Bottle Christina Aguilera (Snicker if you want, that little girl can belt out a song)
Mean Mr. Mustard The Beatles (Always shouts out something obscene, such a dirty old man)
Lisa Anne Bill Lloyd (I've got a hole in my heart the size of your jacuzzi)
We Belong Pat Benetar (Always I'm surprised how well you cut my feelings to the bone)
All You Zombies The Hooters (You don't have to hide anymore!!)
Material Girl Madonna (Loving the ode to Marilyn in this video! Gentlemen Prefer Blondes actually has a feminist message of girl power.)
Can't Be Sure The Sundays (I do so love The Sundays)
An Innocent Man Billy Joel (I'm only willing to hear you cry because I am an innocent man... I aaaaaaaaaaaaammm an innocent maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn)
Quiet Times Dido (It's hard enough to feel the world as it is and hold on anything...)
You Better Love Somebody Rick Springfield (Paging Dr. Noah Drake to cure a case of heartache...)
Look No Further Dido (I might have been a poet, who walked upon the moon.)
Hate Me Blue Monday (LOVE, love, love this heartbreaking song!!!!!)
1 comment:
I *love* that shiraz, yum! And they have it at Costco? Wow, that's cool. And this post is seriously making me hungry, I better go make my lunchtime salad. :0)
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