I had some chicken breasts defrosting, so I found the one summertime recipe that used plain chicken breasts—Garlic-Marinated Chicken Cutlets with Grilled Potatoes. And actually, you make asparagus too. And Martha's Favorite Vinaigrette. Oh, and did you see where it says GRILLED?
I live in an apartment. So I don't have a grill. But I do have the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine. In your face, Martha! That would work for the chicken, but I didn't think the potatoes and asparagus would hold up. And I only have the one. I am not like that crazed lady in those infomercials with six of the things going at once, whipping up breakfast burritos and corn bread and steaks and apple turnovers and ...
Anyway, back to Martha and George. I figured I could just roast the potatoes in the oven, which I'd never done, but please, how hard could it be? Aren't they pretty?
I whipped up Martha's favorite vinaigrette. It was pretty easy and basic, white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, pinch of sugar and olive oil. I really need more measuring spoons. Put that in container and popped it in the fridge. Then it was time to tackle the marinade for the chicken. One tablespoon of olive oil and two of the vinegar. Again, I need more measuring spoons. Now here is where I knew wine would not be wise when cooking today. Usually, I am very good about my prep. Chris trained me well. I do the chopping and all that before I start. Well, after I dumped the oil and vinegar into the baking dish, and looked at what I had to do next... garlic? thyme? Yeah... not chopped. WTF??! Where is my head?! And I hadn't had a drop to drink. That is what I get for not eating any protein all day. ARGH!
I snapped off three cloves of garlic and ... shit!!! The vinaigrette called for garlic, too! FOUR cloves. (In my defense, I made the vinaigrette correctly, the garlic is one of the four or five "add-on" flavor options Martha offers you. She's so versatile.)
I felt like Giada with the Big Head, peeling the thyme leaves right off the stems. Yep.. cooking right along I was...
Since the recipe called for cutlets, and I had breasts, I made them cutlets by cutting them in half horizontally. Very carefully and slowly, with the big knife, and popped them in the marinade. Then I washed my hands thoroughly, which is important when working with raw chicken. And, unlike Paula Deen, I removed my rings beforehand. I love her, but God only knows what lurks in those rocks of hers....
Again, no grill for the asparagus. I could have steamed them like I usually do, but my cast iron skillet rocks, and gave them a nice bit of burn. So kind of like grilled...
Or slightly charred. Just call it extra flavor.
My George Foreman is not huge, so I had to cook in waves, but since they were cutlets, they cooked right up in no time. Now, if I had been grilling at home with my dad, he could have put it all on at once, but you have to watch him. When you take the raw stuff out to him, you have to stand right there and snap the plate away. If you don't, he'll put the cooked food right on top of the raw food plate, or pour the old marinade all over it. You've got to watch him like a hawk.
The potatoes just got tossed with butter (again, real, unsalted butter) and the asparagus was tossed with a couple tablespoons of the vinaigrette. And then it was ready! My counter was covered in bowls, and my sink was piled with knives, measuring cups and spoons (well, not too many spoons...)
Can I just tell you, that it's now called Michelle's Favorite Vinaigrette. That stuff is so damn good, I drizzled a little on my potatoes, too. I almost did a shot of it. How does she do it?? She's Martha Stewart, Super Evil Genius!!!
Until next time, here is the Garlic-Marinated Chicken Cutlets with Grilled Potatoes play list. I need a glass of wine...
Explosions The Mary Onettes
Lava Lamp Duran Duran
The Girl I Knew Somewhere The Monkees (oh yeah, you read that right!)
Me and Paul Willie Nelson
If I Could Turn Back Time Cher
Spinning the Wheel George Michael
Looking For a New Love Jody Watley
Add it Up Violent Femmes
June Bug B-52s
Telescope Graham Colton
Around the World in a Day Prince and the Revolution
Just Like a Pill Pink
Glamorous Fergie (I know, I know..)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Elton John (It'll take you a couple of vodker and tonics to set you on your feet again...mmmm voddy tonics...)
They Dance Alone Sting
I Feel Fine The Beatles
Love Doesn't Last Too Long The Weepies
Talking to my Angel Melissa Etheridge
Pop Life Prince and the Revolution
Valotte Julian Lennon
Everybody Knows Concrete Blonde (Hey, this was on the last list, too!)
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