Actually, it's not new. It was here when I moved in. Right there by the bathroom. The door stays closed, because behind it is the water heater and air conditioning. Not attractive things to have on display.
I call it the new door, because ever since Sunday night, Daphne the cat is suddenly obsessed with it. Like she's never seen it before. Closed doors often give her stress. I can't be in the bathroom without her paws coming under the door, trying to open it. But the attention she is paying to this door is kind of freaking me out.
She lays in front of it. She tries to open it from the bottom. She gets on her back paws and reaches up for the knob, desperate to discover what this door is hiding.
I am not so sure I want to know.
I've whipped that door open to show her that nothing is in there (God, I hope there is nothing in there.). I've taken my flashlight and shined it around, hoping something of the small mammal/reptile persuasion didn't come shooting out. I don't really want to see the food chain in action.
The search came up empty. Or, at least, the flashlight didn't flush out any game. The door was shut, and she walked away. For a little while anyway, until the pull of the newly discovered door draws her back.
I really hope there is nothing in there.
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