All I can say is, thank God Sauteed Zucchini, Peppers and Tomatoes didn't call for onions, or I probably would have cut myself.
SO, it's Tuesday, and I was not in the mood to make something big, as I am going out after work tomorrow, and then again Friday and Saturday. Something easy.. like a side dish!!! I had to go to Costco anyway, to get water (and fine, a book. I had two in the cart. I put one back!), so I grabbed one of their rotisserie chickens, which are $6 and YUMMY!!! I can use it for sandwiches for lunch, too!!
On to Publix. Sigh. Again, the produce police make sure I am not allowed to choose my own zucchini. I only need a pound, so I get the lightest one they have (1.55 pounds). I have my food scale at home and measure out a pound's worth.
My mom was a math teacher. I know 16 ounces is a pound, and the scale says 15.75. I wasn't going to cut a bit off the one other zucchini in the package I had to buy instead of weighing them individually at the store. So fine. Slightly less than a pound of zucchini. Sorry, Martha. Blame the Publix produce Nazis.
Who, apparently, think it's perfectly OK for us to be able to pick out our own cucumbers, scallions, jalapenos, bell peppers... It's baffling to me. Anyway, I needed two yellow peppers. Just my luck, there were exactly two bell peppers left. Are they not the saddest things you've ever seen?
The picture actually does not do their condition justice. They were usable, but if I had gone in tomorrow, and that was all that was left... let's just say the sweet old man that sings might have cried.
And grape tomatoes. YAY!!!
And two garlic cloves, smashed. I love me some garlic. I had to smash them to get the skin off, but then gave them a couple extra whacks for good measure. Yum, good and smashed.
Speaking of smashed (not really! I actually opened that bottle the other day!), I am enjoying this delicious Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc. It's a Marlborough, so full of that citrus bite I love. See, with red wine, I want one I can chew. With white wine, I want one that bites back. This one does that, and for less than $10!
So everything into the pan! It's pretty with all the color, and when that garlic heats up... dee-lish!
You're supposed to just toss in some salt and pepper, but since I have some fresh parsley, I chop some up and toss it in. That's how I roll.... Oh, these are my salt and pepper shakers. Aren't they cute as hell???
Sauteing. Fun!! Takes about 10 minutes. A little note... when you heat up grape tomatoes... sometimes they pop. It burns. I'm just saying. Anyway, here it is. Pretty! And yummy, too!
Here is the playlist. I still think Steve Jobs has a satellite in the sky that zones in and programs your iPod to play songs you don't really want to hear.
How's it Gonna Be Third Eye Blind
How Can you Mend a Broken Heart Al Green
High Enough Damn Yankees
Untitled 1 Keane
Wendy Time The Cure
White Flags of Winter Chimneys Wendy & Lisa
I'm Not OK My Chemical Romance
See the Sun (and hidden track) Dido
Don't Feel Like Cryin' Abra Moore
Last Day on Earth Duran Duran
Rewind Stereophonics
Love is the Seventh Wave Sting
From the Edge of a Deep Green Sea The Cure